New Release: RPM Pro V3.2
Version 3.2 of our amazing rentals management software is now live, read this post for more information!

New Release: RPM Pro V3.2
As always we strive to make our software better than the competition and thus we are proud to announce the latest version of our amazing rentals software, thats right - RPM Pro is now live with version 3.2.
This update comes with some amazing new features!
Realtime Property Management API
New Mass Mailing System
The mass mailing system was getting a little old inside the software so we have updated it for speed enhancements and inbox saving!
"Last Online" System implemented
Profile Avatar Update
Your profile avatar won't show outside of the box anymore if you upload a large image, this was an oversight on our side when creating that system initially.
Featured Property System
We have changed the featured property system so that it works with the new free RPM Pro website also, more updates for that to come shortly!
Owner Portal
The owner portal has been revamped and is now faster and more efficient than ever, your owners will be as happy as larry when they see how fast it goes.
Search Enhancements
You can now search for bookings too on the new RPM Pro search system!
Other Enhancements
We have streamlined multiple pages and enhanced the software with new updates, if you find any issues at all, please contact us right away!
Update Schedule
As always, these updates will be rolled out after your daily CRON has ran, this ensures that the update doesn't prevent any automation of your tasks.
Thanks for reading this post and thank you for using RPM PRO!